Right Way to Perform Bench Press Proper
Read the article completely to know how to do bench press properly.
Point 1
Your body should be viewed as one whole rather than as separate muscle groups.
Point 2
You should drive your feet into the ground, tighten your lower body and core, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and squeeze the bar. You should feel one solid unit.
Point 3
While tightening your body, place your neck, upper back, and butt on the bench (and your feet and heels on the ground).
Point 4
We want to achieve a small arch in your back when driving your heels through the ground, squeezing your shoulder blades together, and lifting your chest to the bar.

how bench press proper
Point 5
Do not push your lower back into the bench to create a “flat back,” or do not try to create an arch. The extreme arch many powerlifters use during bench press is what they are referring to when they say not to use an arch during bench press.
Point 6
We aren’t looking for that here – it’s a way to make you lift more weight by reducing your range of motion, which is a safe thing to consider when you have been benching for a long time and know what you’re doing. We recommend benching with a full range of motion rather than reducing it.

Steps to Perform Bench Press
- Position the bar directly above your shoulders after unracking it
- You can now lower the bar to your chest while looking up at the ceiling. Pull the bar down towards yourself with control, not just drop it to your chest.
- You should touch the bar a few inches below your clavicles at the bottom of the movement. This is the wrong position if it’s up by your throat or on your stomach.
- The bar should be placed back to its starting position once it has touched your chest.
- Don’t let your elbows flare out while pressing. Keep your elbows tucked in.
- Press with the same body parts that were touching the bench before, and keep your feet on the floor. Make sure that no part of you (the most common is your butt) comes off the bench.
- Rerack the bar by moving it backwards to the uprights, touching them with the bar, and then releasing the bar.Those racks are there, don’t look at them!